Video Strategy, Blog, Brand Strategy

Embracing Video Strategy: Insights, Tips, and the Future

Embracing Video Strategy Insights Tips And The Future Jonny Ross

In today’s digital era, video content has evolved from being a mere accessory to a pivotal element of online engagement.

Why is this shift significant?

  • Consumer Evolution: Modern users gravitate towards visually-rich platforms, craving quick yet impactful video snippets.
  • Business Relevance: Across the UK, from startups in Manchester to established brands in London, the buzz about video marketing is palpable.
  • Platform Revolution: With TikTok, Instagram Reels, and YouTube reigning supreme, they’re not just platforms; they’re global stages for brands to showcase their narratives.

But here’s the pressing question: How can businesses genuinely master this dynamic medium? My enlightening chat with Adam Chandler, a video strategy maestro, delves deep into:

  • The best practices in video marketing
  • Evolving consumer preferences
  • The future trajectory of video-driven brand strategies

Dive in, as we unravel how you can shape your brand’s story in a video-centric world.

Want to watch the Podcast with Adam? See the video below.

In the UK’s bustling digital landscape, there’s one medium that’s risen above the rest: video content.

Why has it become a game-changer?

  • Social Media Evolution: Scroll through any feed, be it Facebook, Instagram, or X (Twitter), and you’ll spot videos taking centre stage. They captivate, entertain, and inform, all within moments.
  • Digital Marketing Shift: From testimonials to tutorials, video embeds trust, authenticity, and brand personality into every frame.
  • Inherent Advantages: Leveraging video isn’t just trendy; it’s strategic. Videos can:
    • Boost engagement rates
    • Enhance SEO performance
    • Foster deeper connections with audiences

Incorporating video isn’t a mere option; it’s a definitive edge in contemporary marketing strategies.


Case Studies and Real-life Examples:

Across various sectors, from fashion to technology, companies throughout the UK are recognising the immense value of video content. Here are a few success stories:

  • A London-based fashion retailer known for its eclectic designs lifted the lid on their creative journey. They unveiled behind-the-scenes footage from their design studio, resulting in a 150% spike in audience engagement and attracting a new wave of style enthusiasts.
  • An artisan home decor specialist chose to spotlight not only their products but also their satisfied customers. Video testimonials, set against artfully curated interiors, built a community feel, leading to an 80% rise in direct sales inquiries.
  • A tech start-up specialising in state-of-the-art gadgets had the task of demystifying their offerings. They developed video tutorials that simplistically broke down their intricate products, marking a 200% surge in product demo requests.
  • Notably, a B2B financial consultancy firm based in Manchester tackled the challenge of illustrating the complexities of their services. Through a series of case study videos that highlighted their problem-solving techniques and collaboration with clients, they experienced a 100% growth in lead generation and partnership inquiries.

The power of video is evident, regardless of industry. When brands tailor their content to their audience’s demands, achieving remarkable results becomes a tangible reality.

Mistakes to Avoid in Your Video Strategy:

Video marketing holds immense promise, but that doesn’t mean it’s free from pitfalls. Whether you’re a thriving Manchester tech startup or a quaint Bristol bakery, it’s essential to recognise and sidestep common mistakes. Here’s what to watch out for:

  1. Neglecting Your Target Audience:
    • The Slip-Up: Crafting a video that you think is fantastic, but it doesn’t resonate with your intended audience.
    • The Fix: Research your audience thoroughly. Understand their preferences, needs, and online behaviours.
  2. Overloading with Information:
    • The Slip-Up: Overwhelming your viewer with heaps of details, making the video dense and hard to digest.
    • The Fix: Stick to one primary message per video. Keep it concise and clear.
  3. Poor Quality Production:
    • The Slip-Up: Using shaky camera footage or inconsistent lighting, which can detract from your brand’s professionalism.
    • The Fix: Invest in decent equipment or consider hiring professionals, even for those raw, candid-style videos.
  4. Skipping a Call-to-Action:
    • The Slip-Up: Crafting a compelling video, but forgetting to guide viewers on the next steps.
    • The Fix: Always end your video with a clear CTA, be it visiting your website, signing up for a webinar, or checking out a new product.
  5. Ignoring Video SEO:
    • The Slip-Up: Producing great content, but it’s not reaching its potential audience because it’s not optimised for search.
    • The Fix: Use relevant keywords in your video title, description, and tags. Also, consider hosting on platforms like YouTube to enhance visibility.

By being vigilant of these common blunders, you not only elevate your video content but also ensure it delivers the desired impact and ROI.


Crafting a Compelling Video Story: Tips & Best Practices

In today’s digital era, where attention spans are dwindling and content saturation is real, the power of a good story stands out. Whether you’re a B2B consultancy firm in London or a B2C retailer in Glasgow, narratives play a crucial role. Here are some guidelines to ensure your video tells a tale that captivates:

  1. Understand Your Audience:
    • Why it Matters: Before penning your story, it’s pivotal to know who’s listening.
    • How to Do It: Profile your typical viewer. Are they CEOs looking for industry insights? Or homeowners seeking DIY tips? Tailor your narrative accordingly.
  2. Establish a Clear Message:
    • Why it Matters: A good story has a clear theme or message.
    • How to Do It: Define the one key takeaway you want viewers to remember. Make sure every element of your video reinforces this message.
  3. Inject Authenticity:
    • Why it Matters: Genuine stories resonate more deeply.
    • How to Do It: Share real experiences. For B2B, it might be challenges in implementing a new software solution. For B2C, perhaps it’s a customer’s journey with your product.
  4. Use Strong Visual Elements:
    • Why it Matters: A picture is worth a thousand words. A moving picture? Even more.
    • How to Do It: Utilise high-quality visuals that complement and enhance your narrative. Think about animations, infographics, or even behind-the-scenes shots.
  5. Engage Emotionally:
    • Why it Matters: People remember how you made them feel.
    • How to Do It: Tap into emotions — be it humour, inspiration, or nostalgia. For a B2B video, highlighting the human side of a business can evoke trust and reliability.
  6. End with a Memorable Conclusion:
    • Why it Matters: A good ending leaves a lasting impression.
    • How to Do It: Sum up your story’s core message and leave viewers with a thought-provoking final note or call-to-action.

By harnessing these principles, you’re on the path to crafting video content that doesn’t just inform but also deeply connects with its audience.

Optimising Video Content for Different Platforms: Tips & Best Practices

The digital landscape is rife with opportunities, but each platform has its nuances. Tailoring your video content to the strengths and preferences of each platform can enhance engagement and conversion. Here’s how to fine-tune your approach for a few major platforms:

  1. TikTok:
    • Brevity and Authenticity: TikTok thrives on short, genuine clips. Capture spontaneous moments and let raw emotions shine.
    • Engage with Trends: Participate in trending challenges and use popular sounds to ride the platform’s wave.
    • Interactive Elements: Utilise TikTok’s array of stickers, effects, and interactive tools to make your video pop.
  2. Instagram:
    • Visually Pleasing Content: Given Instagram’s aesthetic-driven community, ensure your content is high-quality and visually appealing.
    • Stories vs. Reels: Use Stories for fleeting promotions or behind-the-scenes looks, and Reels for longer, more polished content.
    • Leverage Hashtags: Expand your video’s reach by employing relevant hashtags, tapping into niche communities.
  3. YouTube:
    • In-depth Explorations: Perfect for longer content, use YouTube for comprehensive guides, webinars, or in-depth product reviews.
    • Engaging Thumbnails: A good thumbnail can make the difference between a click and a pass. Design enticing visuals with clear text.
    • SEO Optimisation: Ensure your titles, descriptions, and tags are SEO-friendly to boost your video’s discoverability.
  4. LinkedIn:
    • Professional and Insightful: As a B2B platform, videos should focus on industry insights, company culture, and thought leadership.
    • Engage with Polls & Questions: Encourage interaction by embedding polls or posing questions to your professional community.
    • Subtitles are Key: Many LinkedIn users watch videos without sound, especially during work hours. Ensure your video has clear subtitles.
  5. X (formerly Twitter):
    • Timely and Relevant: Twitter is the platform for real-time updates. Share news, company updates, or weigh in on trending topics.
    • Engage with Twitter Threads: If your video is part of a larger narrative, consider using threads to tell a sequential story.
    • Optimise for Mobile Viewing: Given Twitter’s mobile-heavy user base, ensure your video content is mobile-friendly.

By understanding the distinct character of each platform and adjusting your content accordingly, you’ll optimise your reach and engagement, making your video marketing efforts more fruitful and impactful.


The Technical Aspect of Video Content Production: Equipment and Editing

Crafting top-tier video content isn’t merely about the story you’re telling but also the tools you’re using to tell it. With the right equipment and software, even small brands can produce videos that rival professional studios in quality. Here’s a closer look:

  1. Equipment Recommendations:
  • Cameras:
    • For Beginners: Canon EOS M50 Mark II – A compact mirrorless camera that’s excellent for vlogging and general content creation.
    • For Professionals: Sony A7S III – Offering 4K video at 120 fps, this is a favourite amongst videographers.
  • Microphones:
    • Lavalier Microphones: RØDE SmartLav+ is a fantastic option for interviews and talking-head videos.
    • Shotgun Microphones: The RØDE VideoMic Pro+ works wonders when mounted on cameras for on-the-go shooting.
  • Lighting:
    • Ring Lights: Ideal for vloggers, a brand like Neewer offers affordable and effective options.
    • LED Panels: Aputure AL-M9 is compact and provides a soft, diffused light, great for interviews or product shots.
  • Stabilisers and Tripods:
    • Gimbal Stabilisers: The DJI Ronin-S is a solid choice for those needing smooth motion shots.
    • Tripods: Manfrotto offers a range of sturdy and reliable tripods suitable for various video production needs.
  1. Software and Editing:
  • Adobe Premiere Pro: An industry standard, this software provides a comprehensive suite of tools catering to professionals and beginners alike.
  • Final Cut Pro: Exclusive to Mac users, it offers a streamlined interface and powerful editing capabilities.
  • DaVinci Resolve: Not only does it offer powerful editing tools, but it’s also known for its exceptional colour grading capabilities.
  • iMovie: A beginner-friendly option available on Macs, it’s straightforward and perfect for simpler projects.
  • Significance of Good Post-Production: Investing time in post-production can transform decent raw footage into captivating video content. Whether it’s through colour correction, sound editing, or the addition of graphics and effects, refining your video in the editing phase can significantly elevate its impact and professionalism.

Remember, while high-end equipment and software can enhance video quality, the essence of good content lies in the narrative and execution. Focus on your message and target audience, then use these tools to bring your vision to life.

Emerging Trends and Future Predictions in Video Marketing

The digital landscape is in a perpetual state of evolution, with video marketing at the forefront of this transformation. From the rise of new platforms to the integration of innovative technologies, the horizon looks promising and full of opportunities. Here’s a glimpse of what’s on the cusp:

  1. Upcoming in Video Marketing:
  • Virtual Reality (VR) and Augmented Reality (AR):
    • VR Experiences: Brands will soon transport audiences to immersive worlds, offering them an unparalleled storytelling experience. Imagine attending product launches or virtual store tours from the comfort of your home.
    • AR Overlays: Enhancing real-world views with digital information. Think of virtual try-ons for clothing or accessories, or AR tutorials where products come to life on screen, guiding the user.
  • 360-degree Videos: Offering viewers a panoramic view of scenes, this format boosts engagement by placing viewers at the centre of the action.
  • Interactive Videos: With clickable elements, audience polls, and branching storylines, these videos actively involve viewers, creating a personalised experience.
  • Video SEO: As video content surges, optimising videos for search engines will become even more paramount. This includes refining video titles, descriptions, and employing effective tagging.
  1. The Next Big Platform:
  • Short-Form Video Continuation: Even if TikTok’s popularity wanes, the trend of short, snappy videos will endure. New platforms may emerge, focusing on niche audiences or specific content types.
  • Specialised Platforms: We might witness the rise of platforms dedicated to specific sectors. For instance, platforms exclusively for educational content, B2B networking, or even hyper-localised content targeting specific regions.
  • Decentralised Social Media: With concerns over data privacy and centralised control, there’s potential for the growth of blockchain-based social platforms, giving users more control over their content and data.
  • Enhanced Monetisation Options: Future platforms may provide creators with more avenues to monetise their content directly, be it through subscriptions, tipping, or integrated e-commerce functionalities.

In conclusion, the future of video marketing is teeming with possibilities. By staying attuned to these emerging trends and being adaptable, brands and creators can position themselves at the cutting edge, ready to captivate audiences in novel and impactful ways.

Audience Engagement in the World of Video Content

The digital realm isn’t just a one-way street. It thrives on interaction, feedback, and collaboration. For brands and marketers diving into video content, this reciprocal relationship can offer insights and foster community. Here’s how you can tap into the pulse of your audience:

  1. Feedback and Experiences:
  • Comments Section: Encourage viewers to drop their thoughts, questions, or experiences below your videos. It’s a goldmine of firsthand feedback that can inform future content decisions.
  • Interactive Q&A Sessions: Host live sessions or webinars where audiences can directly interact, ask questions, or share their perspectives. It humanises your brand and makes your audience feel valued.
  • User-Generated Content: Launch campaigns or contests prompting your audience to share their own video stories or experiences related to your brand. Not only does this create engagement, but it also builds a repository of authentic testimonials.
  1. Polls or Surveys:
  • Platform-Integrated Polls: Platforms like Instagram offer in-built polling features. Utilise these to gauge audience opinions on recent trends, your latest content, or even product preferences.
  • Dedicated Survey Platforms: For more in-depth insights, consider using platforms like SurveyMonkey or Typeform. They allow for detailed questionnaires that can delve deep into your audience’s preferences and pain points.
  • In-video Quizzes: Incorporate quiz elements in your video content, challenging viewers and gauging their knowledge or preferences in real-time. Platforms like YouTube offer features for this, turning passive viewing into an interactive experience.

In the ever-evolving landscape of digital content, the voice of the audience is paramount. By fostering spaces for feedback, running polls, and ensuring avenues for interaction, brands can create a more vibrant and engaged digital community.


Further Resources for Video Marketing Enthusiasts

The journey of mastering video marketing doesn’t stop here. With ever-evolving trends and technologies, continuous learning is crucial. To aid you in this pursuit, here are some resources and opportunities to expand your knowledge and sharpen your skills:

  1. Recommended Reading:
  • Books:
    • ‘Video Marketing Strategy: Harness the Power of Online Video to Drive Brand Growth’ by Jon Mowat offers a comprehensive understanding of how video works and how to harness its power effectively.
    • ‘YouTube Secrets: The Ultimate Guide to Growing Your Following and Making Money as a Video Influencer’ by Sean Cannell and Benji Travis provides insights into the world of YouTube marketing.
  • Blogs & Websites:
    • VideoInk: A go-to resource for the latest trends, news, and analysis in the video content industry.
    • Wistia Blog: Rich with case studies, tips, and guides for budding video marketers.
  • Research Papers: For those wanting a deeper academic dive, platforms like Google Scholar often host numerous research papers discussing the latest findings in video engagement, algorithms, and audience behaviours.
  1. Workshops and Courses:
  • Local Workshops: Keep an eye out for local video marketing workshops in your city. These offer hands-on experience and the chance to network with like-minded individuals.
  • Online Platforms: Websites like Udemy, Coursera, and LinkedIn Learning regularly host courses on video marketing, editing, and production. Whether you’re a novice or a seasoned pro, there’s always something new to learn.
  • Industry Conferences: Events such as VidCon or the Video Marketing World Conference provide not just learning opportunities but also a platform to connect with industry leaders and peers.

Continuous learning is the key to staying ahead in the dynamic world of video marketing. Whether through reading, attending workshops, or engaging in courses, ensure you’re always updated and equipped with the latest knowledge.

Interview Highlights with Adam Chandler:

Favourite Quotes:

During our enlightening conversation with Adam Chandler, we touched upon a myriad of topics, and a few statements really hit home:

  1. On Video Strategy: “A lot of people don’t have a video strategy, which is a bit like setting off on a journey without knowing where you’re going.”
  2. Embracing Change: “I think this is all about embracing [the changes in video marketing]. If you don’t, competitors will overtake.”
  3. On Social-First Video: “If you think about the journey and the funnel of marketing, video sits at the top. It’s your window to the world.”


Our sit-down with Adam was not just enlightening but filled with lighter moments and technical challenges. Here’s a bit of what went down:

  • The ‘Green Room’ Antics: As we prepped, we couldn’t help but have a chuckle in the green room. Although Adam’s cinematic video quality is top-notch, his setup for live video left much to be desired. The unintended lesson here? Everyone has their niche. Adam’s lies in creating outstanding pre-recorded content, not so much in live broadcasting.
  • Technical Glitches: While Adam’s focus is cinematic video, our live session had its quirks. The backdrop lighting, the camera angle looking up, and let’s not forget the audio hiccups. But as they say, it’s the imperfections that sometimes make things memorable.
  • The Essence of the Conversation: Despite the playful jibes about the setup, what truly mattered was the depth and breadth of knowledge Adam brought to the table. It underscored the fact that while he might not be the go-to for live video setups, when it comes to cinematic, social media, or website videos, he’s undoubtedly the expert to seek.




As we delve deeper into the digital age, one thing becomes unmistakably clear: video is not just an optional accessory to our marketing strategies; it’s a cornerstone. The digital landscape is evolving, and with it, the expectations of audiences worldwide. Today’s consumers crave engagement, authenticity, and a touch of cinematic flair. This has propelled video content to the forefront, making it an indispensable tool for businesses aiming to forge genuine connections.

However, merely acknowledging the rise of video isn’t enough. Embracing it wholeheartedly is the call of the hour. Whether it’s short, snappy content for platforms like TikTok and Instagram or in-depth cinematic masterpieces for websites and TV, the versatility of video offers something for every brand, audience, and message.

Yet, with this widespread acceptance of video comes a cautionary note: adapt or risk obscurity. History is littered with examples of businesses that failed to evolve with the times. Let’s not add our names to that list.

As we close this exploration into the world of video marketing, let’s commit to a future-forward approach. Remember Adam Chandler’s poignant words, “If you don’t embrace Video Marketing, competitors will overtake.” So, let’s seize the narrative, craft our stories, and most importantly, ensure our brands are seen and heard in this dynamic digital era.

To every business leader reading this: the future is video-centric. Are you ready to be part of it?


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